jquinbyʼs scribbles, updates, &c


My name is James Quinby. I am a husband, father of nine, grandfather of two, lay catechist, ham radio op, and backyard naturalist. I am also a candidate for holy orders in the Diocese of Nashville.

My theological interests are the spirituality of the desert fathers and mothers (Cassian and Evagrius in particular), catechesis, and evangelization. Other interests: René Girard, Charles Taylor, Augustine, and Aquinas.

I speak (generally) fluent Spanish but have never gotten the hang of switching between English and Spanish keyboard layouts. Usually, I take the lazy way out and just copy and paste. I’m on a Latin American literature bender right now; consider yourself forewarned.

This blog is a place to organize my occasional thoughts around these things. I don’t get into work-related stuff here; this is very much on purpose. Suffice it to say that I’ve spent close to 30 years in IT. These days, I focus more on people than technology. Even so, and to remove any doubt on the reader’s part, any views expressed here are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

I have a presence on the following but have disconnected from most social media for the time being.

Twitter defunct

I also hang around on Metafilter, mainly on Fanfare and Ask.

This site is hosted on Micro.blog and uses the Bear theme with some minor tweaks of my own.

Currently Reading

Cover for El Laberinto de la SoledadEl Laberinto de la Soledad
by Octavio Paz