Scribbles, &c.

You dolphins and all water creatures, bless the Lord.

The weather at the beach turned out perfect, so the grandbabies ran completely amok, and of the three things I had planned - read, drink, work on papers - I only made any progress with two of them and you can probably guess which ones. Stendahl is a lot of fun so far. The painting is one of the ceiling panels in the chapter room of St. Meinrad Archabbey. This was apparently part of the original cloister and not originally open to the public. It’s still in use whenever the community meets in chapter for general monastery business or to elect a new abbot. The other panels are birds of the air, beasts wild and tame, hosts of the Lord, and so on. Moving from one end of the room to the other, you retrace The Song of the Three Holy Children.