jquinbyʼs scribbles, updates, &c

A Grammar of Assent

I’m about halfway through Newman’s An Essay in Aid of a Grammer of Assent, and I am about ready to call it quits. It’s…dense. I love Newman’s writing, but this is far enough beyond me that I’m quite OK laying it aside for the time being. I’ll wrap up his sermons (I think I’m the last one or two) and continue to use the little book of daily meditations, which are gorgeous.

If you would like to wade deeply into Newman’s magnum opus on the philosophy of religious believe, by all means: dive in. You can get it for free at Project Gutenberg.

As for what’s next: I’ve been wanting to get acquainted with Hannah Arendt’s writing, and found The Portable Hannah Arendt, which looks like it will fit the bill right nicely.